About Us

Palpung Choeying Palpung Thubten Yeshe Ling, Kajang is a Karma Kagyu Tibetan Buddhist Center established in 2007 under the spiritual guidance of His Holiness The 12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa Rinpoche.
The center main objectives are:
To educate and increase the knowledge of Buddhist devotees, to Buddhism based on the original principles as taught by Buddha Shakyamuni.
To conduct prayers and organize various dharma activities and charity functions, so as to provide assistance to the less fortunate.
To promote understanding, co-operations and well-being amongst devotees and toward others.
Through the teaching, to generate the attributes of loving-kindness, compassion and wisdom amongst devotees and others.
We hope that the monastery, would be able to provide a conducive environment for devotees and those who are interested to further develop the spiritual aspects of their life. We hope that through this, the daily activities of everyone fulfilled with joy and happiness. May all sentient being be free from the suffering of samsara and attained the state of enlightenment.